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Czechs throwed politicians out of a window. First defenestration of Prague
When Medieval People were Thrown out of Windows: The Defenestration of Prague 1618
Czechs Being Yeeted Out of Windows, The Defenestrations of Prague - 8bit History
That Time the Citizens of Prague Literally Threw Their Politicians Out of Office
The Czechs Keep Throwing People Out Of Windows - A Space Alien Explains
The First Defenestration of Prague (Hussites Part 1)
The Defenestrations of Prague: Unbiased History:
Defenestration 101: How to start a war by throwing people out of a window
First Defenestration of Prague / 제1차 프라하 창밖 투척사건
"Thrown from the Castle: The Defenestration of Prague Explained"
Defenestration of Prague #2
The Defenestrations of Prague | STUFF YOU MISSED IN HISTORY CLASS